Hello everyone! This is one of those 'it is the first day of the rest of your life' posts...lol Welcome to our newly updated/updating website. I know we have had it up and running for the past couple years, but it was more of a 'I will get around to it' sort of project. Well it is getting itself together finally. So bear with us through the next couple of weeks as we get all the bugs figured out.
The need for this outlet to exist is because the more we create, the MORE we want to create... we want bigger, smaller, more blue, less blue, more detail, less detail....lol. This is the way we are going to introduce you to some of the more interesting and oddball things we do. It will also be a space where we can show you what can be done as we will be including some previously created custom orders.
So keep checking back in with us and feel free to let us know how we are doing!